Hercules again
I had this urge to draw my horse Hercules again.
This is how he came out…
I had this urge to draw my horse Hercules again.
This is how he came out…
My barn cat is very loving and very
fluffy! She is a coon cat that goes poof
in the winter to stay warm.
This is my impression of her.
Happy Easter!
and if you don’t celebrate Easter…
I had so much fun doing this drawing of my dog,
I am doing a similar one of my cat.
I know this drawing is a dog but I want to talk
about my horse that died two years ago. When
Hercules died I questioned if I should give up riding.
Starting over with a new horse seemed overwhelming,
but I felt very sad when I imagined my life without horses.
So I stared the process of looking for a new equestrian friend
and found Eli. He is the perfect horse for me in so many
ways and I am blessed to have him in my life.
I am happy I didn’t give up!
On to the reason I am telling this story…
there is a parallel in the direction of my art career. For the
past two years I have done many illustrations for what
would have been my second children’s book. Recently,
the book died for reasons I won’t get into.
This, like the loss of my horse, made me question my
direction. Will I ever do another children’t book, maybe
but not right now. However I am having a great time
creating art in my own style and in a playful way.
For now it feels right and easy and I can’t wait to see
where it goes. If it is anything like what happened with
Eli it will be wonderful.
Just finished reading Jodi Picoult’s latest book
Leaving Time. I loved it!
The book is based on the life of a
elephant researcher and is full of interesting
information about elephants. This book makes you
question what is real and what is an illusion. There are
times when people in the book make origami
elephants out of dollar bills. That inspired me
to make one. I found I had a book
The Buck Book by Anne Akers Johnson with great
instructions on how to make them. I made one for
every member of my book club. Luckily the
group is small.
Was doing a little cleaning in my closet and came across
a shirt that was my Dad’s. I had saved it after he died
because it had a sailboat appliqued on the back.
The applique was done by my Mom. I knew I would
never wear it nor would anybody else in my family.
So I thought… I will make it into a pillow.
Blue (the color of the shirt) is not one of the colors
I decorated my house with. So I decided to jazz it up a
bit with other colors. This is how it came out…
I had so much fun doing this. I hope to find a
similar project soon!
I think being true to yourself is very trendy
lately. With that in mind I have created
another zebra not afraid of a little color.
She was fun to draw!
Hope she makes you smile and encourages
you to show your colors too!
I thought my dragon should have a castle.
The castle will be on the backside of the
card when folded.
I did this dragon drawing…
It is a cross between a bird and an alligator.
I put it in a cage for a card.
I also put it in a landscape for a
continuation of my be yourself series.
It will be folded in half and the
zebra will be on the back.
I am working on a a set of drawings to be put
up in a conference room. The subject is equine.
The three pictures are going to be my Eli drawing, my
raninbow zebra horse (Zorse) and this horse head.
It will be about 17 inches tall. Although I have no
horse that looks like this and I have zero plans
to aquire another horse, my daughter calls
this drawing our next horse.
I am also going to make it into a card.
I did my latest collage to help
myself figure out my purpose.
I believe we are all given a gift
and it is up to us to use it during
our life. I have alway felt you should
do what you love and love what you do;
then eveything should work out.
But sometimes it doesn’t work out
the way you had hoped.
I did this card with two fish…
I thought it needed something else,
so I added a cat, dog and fish bowl.
I think this has a better story.
Having three cats (one is a barn cat that
actually lives in the barn) and two dogs,
I see the dynamics between cats and dogs.
My observation is that cats rule…
as illustrated in this card.
I did another drawing of my daughters cat
Pebbles. I used a “quilt fabric painting” I
scanned in as a background.
I drew this crow and thought it went well with the
peace dove from my holiday card. I drew the
yin yang symbol to tie them together.
I think the crow would work nicely on a
Halloween card. Any thoughts?
One of my best customers loves giraffes.
So I thought I would draw one.
I could only fit part of her on the card.
For a few years I have been doing the holiday
card for Z-Axis / Bear Power Supplies
an electronics company in Phelps, NY.
This is my creation for this year.
The bear and outlet are on the backside
of the card.
I did a quiz on line to find my totem animal.
It is an owl. I have never drawn an
owl before or had any urge to.
This is my first owl…
Here is my third…
I feel this one suits me best.
I invite you to be your unique self!
My latest collage is about keeping
on track. Not getting in the way of yourself
and what you want your life to be.
It is important to be yourself…
you do it best!