These cards all start with a thoughtful idea and develop into a creative card. All cards are 5 1/2" x 4 1/4", includes a clear envelope and cost $2.95 each. rightreasons Where I am myself.jpg Princess of happy.jpg Remember to laugh.jpg Stand your ground.jpg What goes round.jpg Happy birthday dog.jpg Let go and be free.jpg Twirl and swirl.jpg Lets all have tea.jpg fallingtogether.jpg flythroughthewindowofyourdream.jpg goodbyesaidtheangel.jpg ithought.jpg itwasfunbeingaflower.jpg letgoandremember.jpg letgo.jpg butterfliestransformed.jpg goodbye said the zebra.jpg happilyeverafter.jpg intuitionvoiceofheart.jpg mymomsaidif.jpg letshavetea-.jpg throwyourdreamsinfrontofyou.jpg Where there is love there is life.jpg Oh but to be queen.jpg Follow your dreams.jpg Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentName * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In order to pass the CAPTCHA please enable JavaScript